Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day One - Trailblazing

After laying out the facts, data, and presenting my case, I break it to my husband that I plan to try unschooling for one whole year. He simply said, “Makes sense to me!” Ha. One of the most unique and attractive qualities about my husband is that he is always supportive of whatever new venture I set out on – I guess you could say he is a great unschooling husband! He was, as I hinted to above, supportive, but towards the end of our discussion he said, “Another good thing about unschooling is that it will make life a lot easier on you. You won’t really have to do anything.” I was shocked that he understood the concept so little, but I took this was a good opportunity to explain how misguided his statement is.

Unschooling is the opposite of “doing nothing.” Far from neglect, it is being more involved, more attune, and more responsive to your child’s passion, needs, and desires than ever before. I’m not sure exactly how this will play out in reality but I am excited and hopeful about the journey! 


  1. I love this! We are new to homeschooling/unschooling too! Good luck and I look forward to reading your posts :)

  2. Thanks! Glad to meet you!! Is there a way I can follow you also? Do you have a blog?
